
Business profile

Service offering

NovaFisc is a Canadian leader providing support in management tax incentives for scientific research and experimental development (SR & ED). NovaFisc is one of the first dedicated firm to offer management services for tax credits incentives.

Even today, NovaFisc remains, on the lookout for real and changing needs of their clients companies. Its value lies in its ability to offer innovative solutions accompaniments for all companies wishing to conduct SR & ED projects in Canada and its commitment to enable the management to access various tax incentives.

NovaFisc provides a strategic and personalized service that builds on over 20 years of experience dedicated exclusively to the management of SR & ED claims and more than $ 1.5 billion of expenditures claimed for SR & ED clients.


Helping every businesses size to maximize the tax incentives they are entitled while simplifying the claims process and act as a partner in the success of its customers.


Opportunities for tax credits are more than they appear at first sight. Novafisc knows where and how to find for their clients. The company has mastered all the intricacies of the programs, in order to provide tax relief hitherto unsuspected.

Novafisc covers all aspects of the preparation and support of the claims, they touch the core or the most complex challenges of large companies. What the team found can change how the client performs its main projects and finance.

Their goal is to take advantage of effective strategies that help streamline the planning and implementing short, medium and long term. When it comes to innovation, Novafisc can help clients manage risk and maximize results.

201-100 rue Lansdowne
St-Bruno, Québec
Canada, J3V 0B3

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