Government of Canada announces science, technology, and innovation plan

Government of Canada announces science, technology, and innovation plan

Renewed strategy highlights Mitacs programs: Accelerate, Elevate, and Globalink

Markham, ON — The Government of Canada released Seizing Canada’s Moment: Moving Forward in Science, Technology and Innovation, a renewed strategy that leverages the expertise and resources of post-secondary institutions, industry, and government to translate theories and ideas into applications.

The science, technology, and innovation announcement highlights investments made by the government of Canada since the release of its 2007 strategy, Mobilizing S&T to Canada’s Advantage.

Today’s announcement builds on two pillars from the earlier framework, People and Knowledge, and introduces a third pillar, Innovation, which will support greater collaboration between Canadian businesses and post-secondary institutions in order to help Canada compete in the global marketplace.

Through research internships and training programs, Mitacs builds partnerships among academia, industry, government, and the world to support a more innovative Canada. Mitacs is proud to support the strategy through our three federally funded programs: Accelerate, Elevate, and Globalink.


Rob Annan, interim CEO and Scientific Director, Mitacs

“The Government of Canada has demonstrated a commitment to continue promoting research-based innovation and productivity. Mitacs believes a strong, effective strategy for science, technology, and innovation is the key to ensuring Canadian researchers and companies remain at the forefront of an increasingly competitive world economy.”

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